Medium Access Fairness and Services Differentiation in Wireless Mesh Network


  • Soufiane Jounaidi
  • Bouchaib Nassereddine
  • Abdelkrim Haqiq


WMN, Diff-Serv, fairness, QoS, rate, token bucket


The recent computing networks have an important role in the data transfer in real time, such as IP voice data and multimedia streaming. The Applications that generate these traffic types have some performance requirements; they don’t accept any delay in the delivery of their packages to their destinations, so they don’t have any information distortion. The guarantee of special treatments to different packet classes requires the use of the differentiation services architecture. It is a method that allows on one hand, providing different quality services to the different types of packet, according to the treatment priority, on the other hand, reducing the loss rate of demanding packets. In this article, we will present a mechanism with which we can, firstly, guarantee a fair sharing of the bandwidth to different flow classes, secondly, provide to each of them a special service quality.


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Author Biography

Abdelkrim Haqiq

Africa and Middle East




How to Cite

Soufiane Jounaidi, Bouchaib Nassereddine, & Abdelkrim Haqiq. (2016). Medium Access Fairness and Services Differentiation in Wireless Mesh Network . Journal of Network and Innovative Computing, 4, 10. Retrieved from



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