Source Number Estimation in Shallow Ocean by Gerschgorin Disks Using Acoustic Vector Sensor Array


  • N Suresh Kumar Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory
  • Dibu John Philip Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology
  • G V Anand Indian Institute of Science


Gerschgorin disk estimator, acoustic vector sensor array, shallow ocean


Estimating the number of sources accurately plays a crucial role in the source localization and direction of arrival (DOA) estimation problems. Source number estimation has to be performed in a shallow ocean environment in several applications like coastal
surveillance and harbour defence. Also, it is desirable to have an array of very short length so as the reduce the drag force experienced when used along with autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). In this paper, the Gerschgorin disk estimator (GDE) method of source number estimation in an unbounded medium is extended for operation in a shallow oceanic waveguide. Classical methods of source
number estimation such as Akaike information criterion (AIC) and minimum description length (MDL) require (1) good estimates of the eigenvalues of the spectral correlation matrix, and (2) the assumption of white Gaussian noise to be valid. The GDE method does not suffer from these limitations. A theoretical formulation of the GDE method in a shallow ocean is presented in this paper for acoustic
vector sensor (AVS) and acoustic pressure sensor (APS) arrays. Simulation results are then presented considering different noise models including non-Gaussian and highy correlated noise to illustrate the advantages of the GDE method and the superior performance of the AVS array in a shallow ocean environment.


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How to Cite

N Suresh Kumar, Dibu John Philip, & G V Anand. (2013). Source Number Estimation in Shallow Ocean by Gerschgorin Disks Using Acoustic Vector Sensor Array. Journal of Network and Innovative Computing, 1, 10. Retrieved from



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